
There are a variety of fee-based clubs for students to join throughout the year. Click link above to see the most recent offerings.

The homelike quality of our school contributes to a relaxed, focused experience for the child. Our indoor classroom activities are placed on open shelves for selection as interest and readiness inspires the child. Our outdoor environment offers a beautiful developed playground with manipulatives, tricycles, pets, and gardens.

Growth and development

The homelike quality of our school contributes to a relaxed, focused experience for the child. Our indoor classroom activities are placed on open shelves for selection as interest and readiness inspires the child. Our outdoor environment offers a beautiful developed playground with manipulatives, tricycles, pets, and gardens.

Fee-based club

The child has one intuitive aim: self development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself through his senses and not through the eyes of an adult. He becomes a full person. He is educated.”

Actividades CSB I INFO
Manténgase informado a través de nuestro Calendario Escolar.
Mis hijos me dicen que no piense nunca en sacarlos del CSB.

Gresly Colonna


Colegio Simón Bolívar I

Gresly Colonna


Mis hijos me dicen que no piense nunca en sacarlos del CSB.
Como padre y como amigo, siempre estaré agradecido de haber formado parte del Colegio Simón Bolívar.

Sergio Novelli


Colegio Simón Bolívar I

Sergio Novelli


Como padre y como amigo, siempre estaré agradecido de haber formado parte del Colegio Simón Bolívar.
El CSB ha sido el segundo hogar de nuestras niñas y nos sentimos parte de la gran familia que representa.

Patty Vallera


Colegio Simón Bolívar I

Patty Vallera


El CSB ha sido el segundo hogar de nuestras niñas y nos sentimos parte de la gran familia que representa.
Excelente nivel de inglés, lo que les abrió las puertas a universidades altamente rankeadas a nivel mundial.

Roberto y Sonia Lorenzo


Colegio Simón Bolívar I

Roberto y Sonia Lorenzo


Excelente nivel de inglés, lo que les abrió las puertas a universidades altamente rankeadas a nivel mundial.
Colegio Simón Bolívar I